Friday, August 29, 2008


We have NAMES! Our characters all have first middle and last names...well the important ones anyway!

They are

Sara Emily White

Gregory (Greg) Riley DeVille

Crystal Ann McCormic (haha the spice...right?)

Daniel (Dan) Jason Canton

Jennifer(Jenni) Alexandra Cassidy

Nickolas(Nick) Alexander Thompson

I didn't mean for Jenni and Nick to have ALMOST the same middle name. It just happened.

I also JUST added a character. I was typing a few seconds ago...i added a grandma...unfortunately her story isn't the happiest, but uh well. her name is that a good name for a grandmother of like 34280941384930 kids? ok well so far she has 3 grand kids...but 3 903843281903 what's the difference?

well for the sake of Trina's sanity...i'm going to log off so i can finish my chapter...Sorry Trina...sorry katie...i didn't mean to take forever!

Later Guys
o_0 like the little face thing?

i also like 8) and 8-) that's supposed to be a COOL face...

haha bye

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fantastically found! :)

Hey guys, this is Katie. So I have a great announcement! We have finally decided on a setting for this love triangle story. yayx20394027873284!!!!!

Anyway... The setting is Kingsland, Georgia. It is right on the Fla/Ga border and really close to the coast. Only about 30 miles or so from Brunswick, Ga and Jacksonville, Fla. Their school is Camden County High School, home of the Wildcats. Save all the HSM stuff. We didn't pick the school for the mascot. We were just conviently placed in a great perdicament.

This school is the only public school in Camden County, but it deffinately has that small town feel. Hurrah!

I really do think that this is the perfect setting for our book.

Be back with more soon,
Katie Jay :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So Crystal Anne McCormic (or Crys for short) is just like me. She has Dirty Blonde curly hair, braces (with the lovely rubberbands behind her cusbid tooth) and is perky, crazy and funny.

She is the BIGGEST Panic At The Disco fan EVER!!!! (with or without the !, she's a fan through and through)

She gets a Honda Civic for getting her Driver's license. She is a bit of a spoiled brat, but she doesn't gloat. She loves the presents, and thanks you YEARS after you give it to her.

Her Dad, James is an Engeneer and her mom, Laruen, is an accountant. :D she is an only child. She has one dog, a Shih-Tzu, named Zippy. Cuz the dog's lightening fast.

Crystal has dated Dan Canton for about 3 years, they really loved each other, but Dan's acting weird. Crys is a little confused about her feelings toward Dan. She's fighting the pressure he's putting on her, but each time, she gets weaker.

Crystal is a Straight A student, and works her butt off for every A (unlike me. I don't study for a test and get a yeah.)

Crystal loves the color purple and loves to read. Honestly she'll read anything she can get her hands on. She loves all Rock/Alternative/Heavy Metal music. Like me. She has a bagillion Cds (like me) and she playes Panic and Metro Station the most.

She's addicted to Altoids and chips, because she can't have Gum and Popcorn. Her parents are strict about that. ("We're paying $5,000 for those, don't break anything") She has a 1 AM cerfew and has random chores to do. If they ask her, it'll get done in time.

She doen't wear much make-up, Just mascara and Eyeliner. Oh and Chapstick. Her favorite store is the Thrift Store. She gets great clothes for dirt cheap. she loves a good deal. But when she does go to the mall, Forever 21, Hot Topic, Delias, and Wet Seal are her favorite places to shop.

So I'm gonna stop and go pack for the beach. This is too long. lol


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I loved Katie's last post so much, that I decided to copy her. Go ahead and call me a copycat or a trend stealer, but it's all in good fun!

So my character- well the character I write most about is Jennifer(Jenni for short) Cassidy. I haven't come up with her middle name yet. Why...well I'm not sure. I'll let you know when I do!!!

Jenni is 15, the youngest in her group of friends. The not-so-dumb blonde skipped the third grade when she lived in Wildwood, New Jersey.Her father, Jacob Ryan is a proud member of the United States Army. That's how he met Jenni's mother, Kimberly. Kimberly was training to be a nurse at the University of Miami. He was based in Ft. Lauderdale, and was attending a few classes at UM. Not that he actually went to class, unlike his daughter. Because of Jacob's job, the Cassidy family...including Jenni's younger sister Kathryn(Katy) and younger brother Ryan(Ry) forced to move around wherever his work takes him. They had never lived in once place for more than a year, until Jenni was in the 7th grade, and her parents promised they would stay there until she graduated, but a sudden opening may have her leaving her best friends...and maybe boyfriend.

Jenni is an obvious beauty, although sometimes it gets in her way! She's tall with blonde hair, green eyes, and a killer smile. Although she had braces for a LONG two and a half years, she had always had perfectly white teeth. I guess you could say she's pretty much boy obsessed on the inside, but a smart standalone on the outside.

Her life consists of hanging out with friends, talking on the phone with her friends, texting her friends, babysitting her siblings, and studying.

Back to her parents. Even though her dad is with her, he is never around, and her mom well is a bit over protective. Jenni is almost always grounded, although she never does anything bad.

And that's pretty much all I have for my Character so far. Honestly I came up with most of this stuff right now, so it may change! Seriously Katie, how did you come up with all of that?

Well that's all for right now.

<3 Erin

Things are steeming up...

Okay, so, official second post. :)

I just thought I would rant about my character for a little bit (since I can't write a chapter... cough *Katrina* cough (;...)

Well, for starters, her name is Sara Emily White. She lives with her mom (Amy) and dad (Richard), and is an only child. I don't think we ever described her hair color in the book so far, but it's light brown. She can drive, but she doesn't own a car. Her parents are against a 16 almost 17 year old having their own car. Even though most of her friends do. But her dad is also very lenient about letter her take the family car (suburban).

But why would a family of 3 need a suburban?? You may ask me. Well, Sara has about 8 cousins on her mom's side alone. And the family get's together; a lot. So it's good for those kinds of things. But it is also very useful for Richard's work, whatever he does. We're not quite sure yet. Aha. But it's not bad. Richard is totally legal! Don't worry. :)

For the record, Amy is a bank accountant. I really didn't know what to give her for a job, so... she gets the first job that popped into my head. Which I only thought of because I was talking to my friend Jeff and that's what his mom does. Well, Jeff's mom works in the bank; I'm not quite sure what she does. Anyway, Jeff isn't in the story, so he's not that important right now. I hope he doesn't read this, but knowing me, I'll give him the link... (I have a big mouth... Like Sara!)

*shakes head* Back to my point. Sara is right in the middle of being an introvert and an extrovert. She can have her extreme moments when she wants, but she know when to be quiet. But then again; she knows what she want's and will go to great lengths to get it. Even if it could hurt the people around her. Ouch. Not good. She could use a reality check once in a while. No doubt.

Sara has grown up in the same town her whole life. She knows no else. Which is good and bad. I'm sure you can figure out the pros and cons for yourself. She never had many boyfriends. Her first was Nick in 7th grade. Then there was John in 9th grade, but that was like a 1 date deal. So you couldn't really call him a boyfriend. After John came Gabriele. But that was the summer after 9th grade. Sara went to Italy for about a month and a half in the summer to visit family. I guess you could call it family friends with benefits. Ha ha. But that broke off after Sara went back to America. Oh well. Just don't ever ask Sara about her past guys, she won't tell you. Sorry.

Then, there was Greg. Nick introduced them when Greg started going to the same school as everybody else in 10th grade. Now Greg and Sara have been dating for almost a year. Could they go for much longer? This is the longest relationship Sara has ever been in, can she tough it out, or will old feeling get in the way?

Who knows? :)

That's it for intro to my character. I hope you like her. :D

Adieu for now. More blogging to come.
Katie <3

Love Triangle's first blog entry

OMG! This is the first official blog for LOVE TRIANGLE!

So Love Triangle is this book that me and my totally amazing friends are writing.

There is really only one way to describe Love Triangle...

Greg <3 Sara
Sara <3 Nick
Nick <3 Jenni
Jenni <3 Dan
Dan <3 Crystal
Crystal <3 Dan...right?

This book is pretty much their lives. Couples break up and friends hook up. Throughout the story unexpected relationships will be formed, and friends may be lost.

Check back for more...